Castlevania, a Netflix Animation
Castlevania is an animation that adapted from a video game with the same title. The story is about the vampire, particularly the Dracula himself as the villain.
the story starts with a woman named Lisa, who went to the Dracula castle to obtained knowledge about how to heal people from disease (I think). Intrigued by her nature and behavior, Dracula let her do as she wishes inside his castle. But, some year later, she was accused as a witch by the Church and burned alive on the stake. Dracula who do not accept that his wife was burned alive, cursed the people at Wallachia. he said that he will wait for one year to take his revenge, give people a chance to leave the country.
this is Lisa
and this is Dracula. what a handsome Oji-san
a year later, at his wife death anniversary, he sends all of his monsters to kill all the people in Wallachia. the main character, Trevor Belmont went to the last city, Gresit and found that many of the people died because the monsters that Dracula set free. there are so many dead bodies scattered on the street and the river, showed the brutality of the monsters. inside the city, Trevor met an old preacher that being surrounded by 2 church messengers and then save him from them. trevor asked the preachers to leave the city because the Gresit citizens blame them for the monsters attack, but they refused because one of them still don't come back from the catacomb to search the legendary hero. Trevor managed to save the last preacher that got stuck on the catacomb and bring her to her friends. but after that, all of the preachers refused to leave Gresit because they think, the citizens of Gresit needs help.
well this is American animation with anime flavor I think... because it's not like the other animation from uncle Sam like Batman, Spongebob, Spiderman, and so on... and it's sad to think that this marvelous animation just got 4 episode...
one other thing that made me surprised is that the animation was dubbed in Japanese language and not in English. is it because I download it in animekompi? but overall this is a recommended anime.
Sypha and Trevor
Frankenstein, is that you? of course not ... that's Alucard, Castlevania version
the 'birth' of Dracula extermination team
this text really made me think that the whoever subbing this anime is a fujoshi 😉 if you know what I mean
nice wallpaper by the way
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